Fashion Glamour
Art X License
Glamur. Sushchnost' velikolepna. Elegantnost' – eto to, kak vy sebya derzhite. Glamur — eto kogda vy berete chto-to, chto uzhe krasivo (a mozhet i ne byt'), i ukrashayete yego, chtoby pokazat', chto teper' eto nechto yeshche boleye izyskannoye. Nu... mozhet byt'... Chto takoye glamur? Glamur — eto kachestvo, pozvolyayushcheye byt' boleye privlekatel'nym, zakhvatyvayushchim ili interesnym, chem obychnyye lyudi ili veshchi.
Piter i Elis Goulend. Piter Goulend (1916–2010), skoreye vsego, yavlyayetsya avtorom glamurnoy fotografii. Vmeste so svoyey zhenoy Alisoy oni sfotografirovali sotni glamurnykh modeley za svoyu shestidesyatiletnyuyu kar'yeru v Gollivude. Kogda vy smotrite na fotografiyu Goulenda, vy srazu zhe porazhayetes' yeye sovershenstvu. Udelyalos' vnimaniye kazhdoy melochi, chto, kak ya polagayu, otchasti svyazano s tem, chto na ikh model' smotreli dve pary glaz. U Pitera i Alisy tozhe byli strogiye standarty krasoty, i chtoby model', kotoruyu oni sfotografirovali, dolzhna byla imet' pravil'nyye cherty litsa. Eto, v sochetanii s khoroshey figuroy i umeniyem izyashchno pozirovat' (kak i mnogiye glamurnyye fotografy, Goulendy schitali, chto iz tantsovshchits poluchayutsya luchshiye modeli), u nikh iznachal'no byla vydayushchayasya model'. Pozhaluy, yest' odna kharakternaya cherta obraza Goulenda — radostnyye yestestvennyye ulybki na litsakh modeley.
Odnim iz luchshikh fotografov v stile pin-ap yavlyayetsya Banni Yyeger.
Source: Glamour Photographers
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Fashion Glamour Art X License
Glamour Photographers of the 1950s and 60s: Andre de Dienes, Bruno Bernard, Sam Wu, Danny Rouzer, Frank Bez, Mario Casilli, Russ Meyer, Ron Vogel, Earl Leaf, Eva Grant, David M. Mills, Peter James Samerjan, Keith Bernard, Bill Hamilton, William and Melba Figge, Edward DeLong, Edmund Leja, William Graham, Carlyle Blackwell, Art Messick, David Sutton, Hal Adams, Philip Stearns, Eric Herman, Ed Alexander, Ed Braslaff, Barbara and Justin Kerr, Pompeo Posar, Don Ornitz, Zoltan Glass, Jerry Yulsman, Ken Parker, Harry Maxwell, Irv Carsten, Dorothy Gunn, M. Richard Marx, Wil Blanche, Joan Craven, Anthony DiMarco, Edward Lettau, Phil Jacobson, Kurt Reichert, Paul Morton Smith, Michael LeRoy, Charles Kell, Ed Lange, Herb Flatow, Curt Gunther, George Gowland, Jan Caldwell, Gerry Low, Burr Jerger, Frank Eck, Luandre Furia, Jon Pownall, RBK Photography, Donald Klumpp, Jerry Tannen (Gerald B. Tannen), Larry Caye, Arnold Rubenstein, Theda and Emerson Hall, Don Regas, Jack Howard, Robert B. Kohl, Burt Owen, Christa, Douglas Grundy, Virgil Buss, Katie and Burt Owen, Glenn Otto, Jean Hidey, Jack and Jean Drebert, Fran Hunt, Edward Canby, Paul Duckworth, Eddie Rocco and Eugene Hanson.